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Transform Your Life with Energy & Spirit

Experience energy work and spiritual support to clear, revitalize, and transform your life.
Clear, Restore, and Attune

Unblock, rejuvenate, and evolve your energy system for wellbeing and vitality.

Awaken your inner light. Open your heart and embody your unique expression.

Find inner resources to transform relationships and nurture new ways of being and doing.

Embrace Positive Transformation
Find Inner Peace and Strength


OneRadiance refers to the One Source of all existence. From this foundational energy comes all other energies and expressions of creation. In this way, all energy can be thought of as spiritual. We can also think of these energies as driving essences - that essential something that makes you who you are and directs your life expression. Each client's essence leads their OneRadiance work. The choice of path - energy work, spiritual practice, or both - is highly personal to each client's journey. All paths lead to the center of being. Explore - grieving from energy work & spiritual support perspectives.

Begin a renewal and transformation that will allow you to meet and shape life in its unfolding at every stage of life with the power of OneRadiance.

Energy drives life.

The Gifts of Energy Work

energy healing new life
energy healing new life

Something has really shifted. I need to do this again.

Christa A. - energy work client

Energy is the heart of life from the micro level of the particle, to the intermediate level of thoughts and emotions, to the macro level of forces that animate the cosmos. The human energy system is the basis from which we experience life. It underlies all we are and do. It also connects us with the larger forces of energy at work in our reality. Our personal energy field is connected and interpenetrated by these larger fields, which also influence how we experience life.

Historical experience also shapes our energy systems, sometimes in ways we would like to change. A healthy energy system allows change and healing, especially when supported holistically in our lifestyle choices.

OneRadiance utilizes the Field Dynamics® energy healing modality. This modality works to clear, restore, and evolve the electro-magnetic human energy system and its relationship with larger fields that affect us, such as relational fields, as well as the energetic analogue of physical anatomy and issues. The facilitator serves as a battery pack and space holder for clients' process. Facilitators run protocols that support client goals and moment to moment processing.

The real work and healing occur within and through the client's intention, self discovery, and relevant lifestyle modifications. The Field Dynamics modality works holistically on all the interconnected facets of a human being - mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, it is highly complementary to traditional therapeutics, medical care, body practices, and spiritual paths, allowing for supportive integration into your wellness regimen.

Support and enhance your personal transformation with a complimentary 60 minute consultation and sample session.

The Gifts of Spiritual Practice and Care

spiritual care and spiritual practice
spiritual care and spiritual practice

Melinda's skills are matched only by her heart; because she lives the life we seek, we know all things are possible. Barbara M. - spiritual practice and energy work client

Everyone is needed. You are needed, wanted, and worthy, creative, resourceful, and whole - a sacred expression of the Whole with a pivotal role vital to the healing and evolution of creation. You are, quite literally, the center of your universe, and with this comes great responsibility and possibility.

Honor your place by cultivating the radical honesty, acceptance, and response-ability that brings inner freedom and maturity. Create seamlessly from within the wider rhythm of life and its organized, intelligent field of possibility.

Spiritual practice offers a gateway to expand awareness of your essence, the deeper dimensions of reality, and mature collaboration with Life. While enlightenment can sometimes strike like lightning, its enduring and embodied illumination requires dedicated effort. The gateways are many, each personal and attuned to the practitioner's needs. Consider beginning, renewing, or elevating your relationship to the numinous realms with OneRadiance.

Loss, life passages, spiritual crisis, and yearning for deeper meaning can present a dark template for our illumination. Ask yourself whether you could you benefit from a supportive ear and spiritual navigational support.

Support and enhance your personal transformation with a complimentary 60 minute consultation and session taste.

macro photography of drop of water on top of green plant

Get in touch

For a complimentary consultation, to book a session, or ask a question please get in touch through the form to the right or email.
