yellow leaf tree during daytime

Transform Your Life

OneRadiance Disclaimer and Terms of Agreement

Melinda Collins (Practitioner) is a certified Field Dynamics® Energy Healing Practitioner. The Field Dynamics modality concentrates on transforming and evolving the human energy system to support client’s goals. Melinda Collins is a certified non-denominational Spiritual Director through the Rowe Center and Visual Coach® through Christina Merkley’s SHIFT-IT™ program. Her practice focuses on metaphysical and multi-dimensional existence. Training includes prayer, meditation, dreamwork, journeying, ancestral healing, and energy work. She is also a Certified Keirsey Temperament Coach and has studied trauma theory and therapeutics through the Trauma Research Foundation’s Certificate program in Traumatic Stress Studies and coaching through Institute of Coaching®. She continues her own spiritual studies under several teachers, has studied under Zen Buddhist Minister Steve Kanji Ruhl for six years, and receives spiritual direction and professional supervision from Layne Racht of the Halen Institute.

Client’s are understood to be creative, resourceful and whole by the Practitioner. The Practitioner will work with the client to identify, nurture, and support the client’s desired direction of awakening, renewal, and/or transformation with the aid of the Field Dynamics® energy work modality and/or spiritual care and spiritual practice support.

“FIELD DYNAMICS® is a contemporary energy healing modality. Energy work unblocks and clarifies the electromagnetic field (the aura, or biofield) that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. In doing so, aspects of the field that have been distorted by stress, held emotion or trauma are able to be processed and helped to resolve. Field Dynamics energy healing offers the depth and potency to restore flow, balance, and harmony to the personal energy field. Working with the energy field in this way can bring about significant shifts in an individual, providing the space for insight, transformation, and greater inner peace. Field Dynamics® is based on the science of energy transformation, energetic anatomy, developing extrasensory perception, ancestral and trauma-related transformation, and the importance of presence in holistic transformation.”

1. OneRadiance and its website, "OneRadiance.Online" are owned by Melinda Collins. Clients are asked to sign an agreement with the following terms: authorizing and requesting Melinda Collins (Practitioner) to carry out spiritual care, spiritual practice support, and/or energy work sessions. Clients, their heirs, guardians, and legal representatives, forever release, waive, and discharge any claims against the Practitioner. They will not hold the Practitioner responsible or seek compensation for any injury or illness suffered, caused in whole or in part by their viewing of content on the OneRadiance.Online website or participation in session work regardless of session venue. Clients are fully responsible for all liability for loss or injury incurred while in association with or from applying energy work and spiritual care and practice support regardless of session venue. If any court of law rules that any part of this agreement is invalid, the remainder stands as if those parts were struck out.

2. Practitioners can make no guarantees about the outcome of energy healing or spiritual care and practice. Uncomfortable feelings and reactions such as anxiety, sadness, and anger, as well as fatigue may arise during or after sessions, and is considered a normal response to energy healing and spiritual practice and care.

3.Energy work is part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) that in no way substitutes for treatment from a licensed medical professional, allopathic medicine, or psychotherapy.

4. FIELD DYNAMICS® and OneRadiance Practitioners are not claiming to and are not licensed to treat physical pain, disease, disorder or conditions. Furthermore, references to physical anatomy in the context of any and all energy work tools, including those are only in reference to correlated energy field anatomy.

5. FIELD DYNAMICS® energy work and OneRadiance services do not include manual manipulation of soft tissue or any other part of the physical body.

6. Clients agree not to consume alcohol, take recreational drugs or consume excessive amounts of caffeine 12 hours prior and 12 hours after an Energy Healing session.

7. All information and personal data shared between Clients and Practitioner through the website and within sessions is held strictly confidential in a password protected digital file unless the Client authorizes the Practitioner to share information with others through written consent, or the Practitioner discerns that the client may be of harm to self or others.


9. It is clients' responsibility to notify the Practitioner of any current medical conditions and medications, allergies, recent surgeries, transplants, prosthesis, pacemaker or any other electrical, metal or magnetic item in their body. In addition, the Practitioner will not be held liable for any information withheld by clients as to medical or emotional conditions. Clients under current medical or psychiatric care should not stop treatments or medication without advice of their physician/psychiatrist first. For their safety and wellbeing, clients must inform the practitioner of any such ongoing care or treatment.

10. I understand energy work is not suitable for those currently addicted to drugs or alcohol.

11. Clients understand that energy work is not suitable for those experiencing major depression or other clinically diagnosed psychiatric illness such as personality disorder, major trauma (PTSD), psychosis, or current self-harming. Both spiritual direction and energy work require that people be in a relatively stable period of mental well-being. For their safety and wellbeing, clients must affirm that their mental health is stable, share any past or current mental health diagnoses, if different from those shared above, as well as any events and medical/life conditions related mental health issues.

12. Clients will supply a list of pharmaceuticals they are currently taking and the reason for prescription.

Spiritual Practice and Care

13. Clients are asked to list and/or describe any spiritual practices they partake in or would like to explore/cultivate.

14. Clients are asked to share any additional information regarding their spiritual life and history they wish to share, along with the importance of the information to you.

Payment and Cancellation

15. The client may terminate sessions at any time, and may choose a shorter duration for a session.

16. Clients are responsible for payment of all services rendered at an amount agreed to between Practitioner and Client.

17. Clients agree to notify the Practitioner in as timely a manner as possible in the event I need to cancel a session.

18. Clients must be at least 18 years old, the age of consent to make any decisions as to my person and treatment.

Clients are required to sign a client agreement, waiver, and release containing the information in this Instrument of Disclaimer and Terms of Agreement to receive OneRadiance services.

This Disclaimer and Terms of Agreement contains important information about your use of the website and engagement with Melinda Collins, as both owner of OneRadiance, operator of website and energy work practitioner and spiritual care and practice support practitioner.

Please be advised of the following and take time read and understand this material.

Clients are required to sign a client agreement, waiver, and release containing the information in this Instrument of Disclaimer and Terms of Agreement to receive OneRadiance services.

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